Luxtor - produzione Coating is carried out in a high vacuum system, built with latest-generation technologies. Luxtor - produzione
Luxtor - produzione In order to protect the metallising, the sheet is coated with a specially formulated compound, which makes it possible to obtain the utmost protection and a top quality finish with no adverse impact on the environment.

The operations described here are carried out in a pressurised booth at constant temperature, designed to obtain optimum fluidity and homogeneity of the compound.
Luxtor - produzione

Ageing of the protective layer takes place through hot air dryers, at an even and constant temperature.
The finished materials are stored in dedicated areas.
LUXTOR S.r.l. Via del Mare 27/B - 10040 Piobesi Torinese (TO) Italy        Tel. +39 011 6207339 - Fax +39 011 6207101
P.Iva 09410530019
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